Flexibility can be improved by doing regular stretches before, during and after exercise. There are different types of flexibility, and also different types of stretching. Stretching is able to improve the body's range of movement at any given point. Being more flexible could be beneficial to any sports athlete as it will increase their range of movement.
The four of stretching are ballistic, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), dynamic and static.
- Ballistic stretching is a quick, jerky and bouncy type of movement which improves the bodies flexibility.
- Dynamic stretching is range of movements that are sport specific actions.
- Static stretches are controlled and are slow.
- PNF stretching is an assisted form of stretching as a partner helps apply force to improve flexibility. PNF is stretching out of our normal range of movements.
PNF stretching is achieved by -
[1] Focus on a specific muscle group and stretch it so that it is no longer in its normal limit of its range of movement.
[2] Isometrically contract the muscle or muscle group being focused on against your partner for 6-10 seconds before relaxing.
[3] Relax the muscle or muscle group that you are focusing on as your partner stretches it to a further limit of the range of movement as this time you should be able to reach a little bit further than the time before.
Activities that are use to improve flexibility and extend the body's range of movement are -
Leg push (with partner) - The picture to the right shows an exercise with a partner which works on the leg muscles. The first group of muscles are the quadriceps, this includes (rectus femoris, vastus intermedius and the vastus medialis.) The other group of muscles being used is called the hamstrings group the muscles in this group are called the (bicep femoris, semitendinosus and the semibranosus). In this exercise the leg is supported by the partner, they then add force until it begins to stretch the muscles. A way to make this harder is to have your partner push on your leg for a longer period of time, for example add force for 20 seconds and rest for 5. A way to make this easier is to have your partner push on your leg for a shorter period of time, for example add force for 10 seconds and rest for 7.
Back stretch (with partner) - The picture to the right shows an exercise with a partner which works on the back muscles. The muscles being used are the lattimus dorsi and the deltoids. In this exercise the partner[1] holds your arms behind you and they lightly push their feet into the shoulder blades, they then gently add force by occasionally pulling back and pushing forward with their feet whilst partner [2] adds force by pulling forwards which will extend the range of movement after this partner[1] pulses forward and then repeats the exercise till the muscles within the back feel relaxed. A way to make this activity harder would be to add more force at both ends so that more range of movement is being limited also less resting time for example adding force for 15 seconds and rest for 3. A way to make this easier is to use less force which is less range of movement being limited and more resting time for example adding force for 8 seconds and resting for 4.
Groin Stretch (with partner) - The picture to the right shows an exercise that can be completed with a partner which focuses on the groin. The muscles being used are the hamstrings and the quadriceps. In this exercise both partners have to sit facing eachother in a straddle like position, legs have to be opened wide and one partners feet should be pushed against the other partner ankles. You then have to hold eachothers hands and apply force by gently pulling your partner towards you so that they feel tension on their inner thighs/groin area. In order to make this activity harder more force should be applied and it should be held for longer for example, adding more force for 20 seconds and only giving them a 5 second rest. A way to make this activity easier is to add less force for 10 seconds and giving them a 5 second rest.
Advantages of using flexibility -
- Athletes are able to perform sports to a higher standard as the range of movement would of improved.
- Stretching improved the body's range of movement.
- Muscles would feel looser and more relaxed.
Disadvantage of using flexibility -
- Muscles could be left feeling sore and aching.
- If the wrong technique is being used you are able to injure yourself.
- It could be hard trying to find a partner to take part in this type of exercise.
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